Navigating the Urban Jungle:
My Journey with LevelUp Planning
December 15, 2024
Check out LevelUp's latest blog post, written by Anas Ahmad, one of our former students to intern with the collaborative. Anas walks the reader through his experience at LevelUp working on a transportation equity project for TransLink (with Steer) earlier in 2024, highlighting what he has learned and his own personal growth.
Read the full article here
Photo credit: Vancouver Economic Commission
Check out our feature article 'Municipal Equity Policies: takeaways for Planners' in the latest issue of Plan Canada
January 5, 2023
We are excited to share a new article in Plan Canada, written by Tessa Williams, RPP MCIP, and our Principal, Victoria Barr, PhD. Tessa and Victoria teamed up in the fall of 2022 to review municipal equity policies across Canada. This article shares their key findings from the environmental scan and suggests takeaways for planning practices.
Canadian municipalities are creating policies to guide their approach to equity, both internally within governments and externally across communities. Planners possess both the power and responsibility to contribute to municipal equity efforts, as evidenced by the profession’s record of harming marginalized communities, through discriminatory design, disinvestment, displacement and disenfranchisement. However, this is a new area for many planners, and there are different ways to approach equity work. This article shares early findings from an environmental scan of equity policies in Canadian communities, and suggests takeaways for planning practice.
This work is a collaboration between LevelUp Planning and Simon Fraser University's Cities, Health, and Active Transportation Research (CHATR) lab. We are grateful to Mitacs for providing part of the funding for this project.
Read the full article here
New Westminster taking on racism and diversity
November 19, 2020
This news article highlights the work LevelUp Planning is doing with the City of New Westminster and the development development of a diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism (DEIAR) framework.
This work will support the city in becoming a local government employer of choice by building a balanced, diverse and inclusive workforce which will contribute to a more healthier, productive and innovative organization.”
Read the full article here
Through an Equity Lens: New Article by Victoria Barr in Planning West's Fall 2019 Issue
November 19, 2019
Calling all planners! Check out Victoria Barr's new article in the Fall 2019 issue of Planning West - a publication of the Planning Institute of BC (PIBC). The article, Through an Equity Lens: Planning for Healthy and Equitable Communities, offers some ideas to integrate equity into all areas of community planning.
Victoria Barr receives PHABC Sharon Martin Community Development Award
November 14, 2019
We are excited to announce that LevelUp's Victoria Barr has been awarded the Public Health Association of BC - PHABC's Sharon Martin Community Development Award. The award recognizes those who are advocating for social justice, supporting community capacity, mentoring others in the promotion of the public’s health, and promoting the involvement of community members in public health programs.
New Equity Lens Primer for Local Governments
September 25, 2019
Social equity is getting lots of attention lately, and in some jurisdictions, there is a request for governments to use an 'equity lens' when they make decisions about new policies or projects. This new report defines an equity lens, provides some initial ideas, shares some success stories, and offers links to resources that can get you started.
Victoria Barr and Lavleen Sahota Teach Planning for Healthy and Equitable Communities Course at VIU
September 18, 2019
On September 12, Vancouver Island University's Master of Community Planning program invited Victoria Barr and Lavleen Sahota to teach a one-day course on Planning for Healthy and Equitable Communities.
During the course Victoria and Lavleen presented a case for incorporating health and equity into community planning, and introduced some great new tools and resources that students can use in all areas of planning. Through hands-on case study exercises, students had many opportunities to practise identifying local needs, building partnerships and applying strategies to improve community health and well-being.
Such a fun day - thank you so much to staff and students of VIU's MCP program!
New Westminster taking on racism and diversity
November 19, 2020
This news article highlights the work LevelUp Planning is doing with the City of New Westminster and the development development of a diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism (DEIAR) framework.
This work will support the city in becoming a local government employer of choice by building a balanced, diverse and inclusive workforce which will contribute to a more healthier, productive and innovative organization.”
Read the full article here