Planning for Equity: An Environmental Scan of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the Municipal Level in Canada
For this project, completed in partnership with North Park Neighbourhood Association and Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners Network (CUSP), Dr. Victoria Barr co-supervised a wonderful group of Master of Urban and Regional Planning candidates from Queen's University, to complete a review of the ways in which cities and communities across Canada are integrating an explicit consideration of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into their city-wide plans. The final report describes the results of an environmental scan of 28 existing EDI plans and policy documents from across Canada. The intent was to build a body of evidence about different approaches to EDI planning. The report offers 7 key findings and 5 recommendations for planners and local governments to integrate EDI principles into plans and policy documents.
The report then outlines best practice approaches for the design and implementation of two EDI related tools: Community Benefits Agreements and Community Land Trusts. Recommendations and enabling conditions are then presented to the North Park Neighbourhood Association on how to adopt these tools to preserve housing affordability and to ensure that new development provides tangible benefits to the community.

Queen's University School of
Urban and Regional Planning